Babylon Testnet Huge airdrop guide

Babylon Testnet is going LIVE! It is a huge Airdrop Opportunities which you shouldn’t miss it. We will delve into the exciting world of the Babylon Testnet, a project that is set to revolutionize Bitcoin by allowing holders to earn yields through staking. This step-by-step guide is going to guide you through this incredible airdrop opportunities and to help you claim your rewards!

What is the Babylon Testnet?

The Babylon Testnet is a crucial component of the massive Cosmos ecosystem and offers Bitcoin holders the chance to earn yields by locking their bitcoins in a self-custodial manner. This project opens up a new avenue for Bitcoin holders to participate in Proof of Stake (POS) chains and reap the benefits of staking. Check-out the count down of Babylon Testnet is going to live here.

Step-by-Step Guide to Claim Your Airdrop:

1. Download a OKX browser wallet & Keplr browser wallet

Both wallets can be downloaded on your Google Chrome extension: OKX wallet / Keplr wallet

2. Get Signet Bitcoin tokens

Get Signet Bitcoin tokens through the Signet faucet [link 1link 2] and BBN tokens through the Discord #faucet channel

3. Add Babylon Testnet to your wallet

Go to your wallet, search “Babylon” in the Manage Chain Visibility section. Make sure the visibility for Babylon is enabled, as this allows you to see your wallet address.

4. Join the Babylon Discord community

Join Discord #faucet channel and follow the instructions provided. Simply type “!faucet” followed by your Babylon testnet address. This helps you claim your commemorative Bitcoin pioneer pass NFT. Please note that you can only claim once every 6 hours.

5. Participate in the Galaxy Quest

This is the first Galaxy Quest of Babylon. Get 1 NFT & 30 Points after completed the tasks required. This event has a minting cap of 100,000 NFTs, and only 18,005 have been minted so far.

The most critical part among all tasks will be Survey: Clai Signet Bitcoin. Visit the Signet faucet website [link 1link 2], send your Signet BTC address to claim your Signet Bitcoin tokens. Note that the faucet may be congested, so patience and persistence are key to successfully claiming your tokens.

6. Submit your transaction ID

Once you have claimed your token, copy your transaction ID and submit it to complete the task. This step allows you to mint the Babylon beacon NFT.

7. Additionally, consider participating in the Babylon’s ambassador program.

Complete the quests, level up, and unlock various rewards at Zealy. Higher-level participants may even be considered for potential airdrops. However, it also require you to do some BD job as well.

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By Airdroplet

Professional Airdrops Farmer I Only speculation | Intern | Sybil Overlord

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